Wednesday, 2 December 2020

LISTEN: Bear's Den - 'Christmas, Hopefully' EP

In a flash, the new (festive) Bear's Den EP is here! While the taster, title track Christmas, Hopefully, was a little upbeat, these two tracks will wrench your heart out in the way that only BD, and Davie's songwriting and vocal delivery can do. Weeping at 1am when I realised this had been released and took a first listen? Me? Never. Berlin pt II is a direct sequel to fan favourite Berlin, a festive release back in 2016, while Favourite Patient is written about Davie's fiancée, as he explains below...

"I wrote this song about my fiancée, she's a junior doctor. The last couple of years her training has involved working everywhere from A&E to Psychiatry Wards. I wrote this song one night after she told me that her favourite patient she'd been looking after for a while had passed away while at work that day. How it affected her, really got me thinking about the emotional toll that doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals all go through every day, how crucially important they are and how this year has highlighted how much we rely on them. Given that the NHS is criminally underfunded by this Conservative Government - we as a band wanted to show our solidarity, gratitude and support especially with the cases rising going into the Winter months. All proceeds from pre-orders of the EP will be going to the fantastic NHS Charities Together who are helping to support NHS staff and volunteers during the Covid-19 Crisis." 

They've also released a limited run of EP bundles, with a potato-stamped copy of the EP, a hoodie designed by Studio Juice and a limited edition scarf made in collaboration with UK fashion brand Gresham Blake. They hope to raise over £10,000 for NHS Charities Together from the profits of the bundle sales.

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