Thursday, 26 April 2018

WATCH: Fil Bo Riva - 'Blindmaker'

I've been a big fan of Fil Bo Riva since I caught his/their first release Like Eye Did in my blog submissions a couple of years back. An EP, several tours, and an interview on the blog later (read that in all its glory here) he's back with brand new tune Blindmaker. As the Youtube comments allude to, it's a little bit of a departure musically, focusing more in the electro and pop genres than the If You're Right, It's Alright EP which for the most part centre's around Fil's incredibly unique vocals. While I'd hate for the vocals to be drowned out as the guys release more tunes in the lead up to their debut record, I'm still really enjoying the new tune. Talking about the tune, Fil summarises "the lyrics came together very quickly after writing down the first line and I simply wanted to portray a scene of how physical love can feel. That desire, that adrenaline rush and that focus of it all - when everything else stops to matter and disappears." 

Follow Fil Bo Riva online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Friday, 20 April 2018

WATCH: PD Liddle - 'Good' (live)

Being the sensible, retail-working human-being that I currently am, I sadly had to miss PD Liddle's debut solo show last week in London. With a star studded band featuring Peter's Dry The River bandmates Scott and Pat, as well as DtR guitar tech Matt and Banfi drummer Aaron, they charmed the crowd at OMEARA with a mix of tracks old and new. From the snippets of the show that I've seen online (including a breathtaking performance of DtR track History Book unplugged in the crowd) it looked to be a pretty impressive show! Just before the gig, Peter treated us to another new track from his solo repertoire with this acoustic version of Good.

Now to wait around for more live show announcements...

Follow PD Liddle online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Tuesday, 17 April 2018

LISTEN: Hudson Scott - 'Triangle'

In our current age of relentless social media it can be incredibly surprising when you can't locate a band online.... this was the case a couple of years back, after catching (and really enjoying) Hudson Scott supporting Foals in Kingston. Luckily, he surfaced online not too long after the show with the Clay EP (the title track of which quickly became a favourite of mine) and I managed to catch him play again in Oxford alongside my favourites Catgod. Fast forward just over a year and he's back with a brand new tune, entitled Triangle. His distinctively pitched vocals still in tow, the track has everything you could expect from a Hudson Scott tune... some Friendly Fires esque vibes, synths and brass and a rather catchy chorus. I'm digging this one.

Listen below, and catch Hudson Scott opening up for Chad Valley in Manchester, Glasgow and London in May - tickets here!

Follow Hudson Scott online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Monday, 16 April 2018

LISTEN: Friendly Fires - 'Love Like Waves'

Friendly Fires have been a huge musical love of mine since around the time of the release of their second record, Pala, back in 2011. From what I had seen of their live shows on Youtube (particularly this Glastonbury set) I knew that they put on an incredible show both musically and visually, with frontman Ed's contagious snake hips taking centre stage. Of all the bands I love who I haven't seen live yet, they've always been pretty high on the list, but I genuinely believed I'd never get to see them as their hiatus began to stretch out over a few years.

In September the band started to post some cryptic photos and video clips online. Could they be coming back? Suddenly, a huge comeback show at O2 Academy Brixton was announced, and somehow, I managed to get a ticket. Fast forward through half a year of anticipation and endless listens of both of their records, and the show finally arrived last Thursday. I took some pretty huge expectations along but somehow the band, performing as an ensemble of eight, exceeded them and put on one of the best gigs I've ever been to. From the music itself (an incredible nostalgia trip and incredibly tight considering they're slightly out of practice), Ed's dancing (it struck me as hilarious that he told the crowd "I'm loosening up a bit" a few tracks in, having already danced his socks off at every possible moment prior to this) and the incredible visuals to the fact they managed to bring some Summery vibes to an otherwise drizzly April, the entire show was everything I hoped that it would be. Before they took to the stage it almost felt like a "don't meet your idols" scenario... I'd placed so much love into the band, what if they disappointed? That turned out to be a foolish worry - they were incredible and I am very much still in love with them.

A couple of days prior to the show, Annie Mac announced that she would be premiering their new track Love Like Waves on her BBC Radio 1 show on the evening of the gig. Naturally I started to wonder how well I'd be able to hear it through earphones in the crowd. Fear not - the band announced that the airplay would be streamed live through the PA at the show, urging fans to get down early to be there for the first listen. Hearing this first new music from the band in years I was pretty overwhelmed, even more so to see it performed live just a couple of hours later. After several (honestly, lots and lots) more listens since the show I can confirm that the track is pretty darn great, and alongside new cuts Tijuana and Can't Wait Forever which were performed at the show, it gives us a lot to look forward to from the band. I've got everything crossed that they've got an album in the pipeline - I can already tell you for certain that it will be worth the wait. 

Follow Friendly Fires online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Friday, 13 April 2018

LISTEN: Franc Moody - 'Dance Moves' EP

A lot of the time, support acts can be tedious (particularly at shows where you are very much there to see the headline act), becoming almost a necessarily evil to make it through, after which you'll be rewarded with the artist you came to see. Sometimes however - it clicks. This was the case at the Friendly Fires show last week, where the incredibly fun five-piece Franc Moody opened proceedings, and with whom I pretty much fell in love with on the spot.

They (whether intentionally or not) timed the release of their eight track EP Dance Moves perfectly with the show so I went along having listened to it a couple of times and knew I was in for a treat, and loved their set. Their music fit perfectly with the theme of the night, being completely funky (those bass lines!) and them all being infectiously positive and happy to be performing to such a big crowd. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for future gigs from these guys, as I'm loving the EP, favourites at the moment include Pheromones and title track Dance Moves, but it's all great! Listen below - or for the full eight track EP, check it out on Spotify.

Follow Franc Moody online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

LISTEN: Rae Morris - 'Someone Out There' (Everything Everything remix)

It's usually pretty dreamy when your favourite artists collide musically, and that's certainly the case for the new Everything Everything remix of Rae Morris album title-track Someone Out There. They've taken the most delicate of tracks from the record and given it a dark yet lively reworking, made all the better for frontman Jonathan's trademark falsetto duetting with Rae's stunning vocals. I adore this. 

Follow Rae Morris online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Follow Everything Everything online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

LISTEN: Cosmo Sheldrake - 'The Much Much How How and I'

It's finally here! Cosmo Sheldrake's debut record, wonderfully titled The Much Much How How And I was released last week, and after a few listens I can confirm it is as wacky, crazy and incredible as I had hoped it would be. An instant favourite for me is the super short but sweet Birthday Suit, reminiscent for me, as much of the album is, of music in classic Disney movies (Dumbo's 'Pink Elephants on Parade' for instance.) Recent single Wriggle remains a favourite, as well as the track below, Pliocene, which a little Wiki research tells me is "the epoch in the geologic timescale that extends from 5.333 million to 2.58 million years BP" - listening to Cosmo's music counts as a Geography/Science lesson substitute, I'm certain of it. Another favourite to emerge from the record is the closing track Hocking, an indulgent five minutes building to a two minute outro with an array of brass and percussion, creating something that appears almost crowded and a little intense, but which closes the record perfectly.

Follow Cosmo Sheldrake online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018


Another week, another exciting interview! Caught up with my pals in Catgod to chat about their stunning new tune Heartbeat In My Hand and their plans for the rest of the year. They headline The Islington in London this Friday and Oxford's The Cellar on 23rd June - I implore you to get along to a show if you can, they're a very talented bunch and always put on a fun live show!

(c) Milly Cope

First up, who are Catgod and how would you describe your sound to someone who hasn’t discovered your music yet? 

We find it hard to describe our sound, probably because we’ve been experimenting with lots of musical styles over the past year, and finding ours in the process. We think the newest single is closest to it. We’ve definitely been influenced by legends like John Martyn and Bob Dylan and have morphed this into an ambient folk/indie sound with an edge. We hope it sounds like going to a calm familiar place in your mind and having new thoughts about who and what you are - which can be scary and dark at times. 

The band centres around the vocal harmonies of brother and sister duo Robin and Cat (I miss you guys!!) - when did you first start to sing together? 

(We miss you lots toooooo!!) A year and a bit ago Cat moved back to Oxford from London. We’d been quite detached because she’d been there for years. We started singing together to help her through a difficult time when she moved home - it felt like something positive to focus on. I’ve always been focused on music and this new relationship/connection combined in a beautiful way. 

You’ve got a new tune called Heartbeat in Your Hand coming out this week. What is the track about and how did the process of writing and recording this tune vary to others you’ve released in the past?

It started off as a love song I sent my girlfriend Iman for her birthday. The idea for which started when I noticed a pulse in my hand whilst I was running. I’d been thinking of how I can forget or take for granted the good things in life and sometimes the people close to me; and how I couldn't do without them. It marks the first single Cat is singing the lead vocals for as well as the new addition of pianist Patrick Bolton to the band. 

To celebrate the release of the track you’ve got a show coming up at London’s The Islington on 13th April and Oxford’s The Cellar on 23rd June. What can fans expect from the shows?

You can expect some impassioned air grabs and emotional, ethereal vibes. 

Talking of live shows - which of your tracks are your favourites to play live? Why? 

We enjoy playing Someone Love from our last EP - I particularly enjoy dancing with my flute. We also enjoy playing I’m Innocent which has some funky Egyptian tabla and Talking Heads-esque vocals.

Beyond these two shows, what are your plans for the Summer - any exciting festival slots lined up?

There are a few coming up. We’re very excited about playing Cornbury

You’re pretty well integrated into the music scene in Oxford with Robin regularly producing for local acts. Who are you favourite local artists at the minute? 

Premium Leisure - with our moonlighting guitarist Chris Barker. Le Feye - with another moonlighting drummer Caspar Miles - not that we’re bias! + of course Self Help! Soooo many more. Makes us feel very passionate about the Oxford scene. 

On that note and finally - what’s in your headphones at the moment? 

Oxford band Death of the Maiden’s new single Soldier, and our fab cousin Poppy Ajudha's new EP Femme.

Monday, 9 April 2018

WATCH: Low Island - 'The Whole World Tucked Away'

"made lovingly for anyone who dances alone", the new video from Low Island has shone a light on just how much their music makes me want to move (it can't just be me?! Try listening to The Lines and tell me you're not having a solitary rave...) The video is for new tune The Whole World Tucked Away, one of my favourite songs to be taken from their recent This Other Life EP. If you like what you're seeing and hearing, check out the rest of the EP here.

If you missed it - I interviewed the band a couple of weeks ago and you can read that here!

Follow Low Island online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Saturday, 7 April 2018

LISTEN: Catgod - 'Heartbeat In My Hand'

My absolute favourite Oxford legends Catgod have shared a new tune! It's called Heartbeat In My Hand and is taken from an album of love songs that Robin gave his girlfriend for her 21st birthday. Writing of the track, he explains that "the idea [for the track] started when I noticed a pulse in my hand whilst I was running. I had been thinking of how I can forget or take for granted the good things in life and sometimes the people close to me, and how I couldn't do without them." The track gradually took form through a session of live recording and gigging - listen to the finished product below! Listen out for a live session from the band tonight for BBC Introducing in Oxford promoting the new single!

Follow Catgod online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Friday, 6 April 2018

LISTEN: Flyte - 'Moon Unit / Victory Girls'

It's just over seven months since Londoners Flyte blessed us with The Loved Ones, their stunning debut record. They've been busy touring all over the place since the release, including some recent shows at SXSW and a gig in a church in London, but found time to share a couple of brand new tracks around a month ago. I've seen the new tracks earn the band yet more comparisons to The Beatles, which can never be a bad thing. To me, when I think of Flyte I think of their brilliant songwriting and beautiful harmonies - both of which are at the forefront in these new tunes. If you enjoyed their record, or even (and especially) if you're totally new to the band, give them a listen below.

Follow Flyte online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

WATCH: PD Liddle - 'You Shouldn't Have Called'

In a week where I'm listening to very little other than the Friendly Fires back-catalogue (in anticipation of seeing them tonight) it's nice to take a break with some melancholy acoustic tunes. Peter Liddle (of Dry The River fame) returned to the spotlight a couple of weeks ago with new tune You Shouldn't Have Called under the moniker PD Liddle, and it's a wonderful to see a live video of the track performed in DtR pianist Pat's kitchen, no less. Catch PD Liddle on his comeback show at London's Omeara next Friday, 13th April - tickets here.

Follow PD Liddle online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

LISTEN: Thandii - 'Alkaline'

I always feel a little guilty for listening to far fewer female artists than I do male, both in terms of solo musicians and bands. I used to feel like I just preferred listening to music created by men, but think that it is more likely that male artists dominate the genres that I listen to. It's not really clear to me if that is in any way statistically true, or a reflection of the backing given to male artists over their female counterparts in terms of promotion. Considering all of this, and a desire to listen to more female artists, it is always incredibly refreshing to find a female artist creating music that I enjoy.

A perfect example of this is recent record Someone Out There from Rae Morris - upon a couple of listens it quickly became my favourite release of the year so far, and one that I've barely stopped talking about to anyone who will listen. The latest example is the new tune from Margate's dreamy vocalist Thandii, who has shared Alkaline, the second track from her upcoming EP.

The track is slower than it's Summer-y predecessor Another One, emerging from a dreamscape of 70s tunes, combining retro sounds with Thandii's calm, soothing vocals. Writing of the tune, she explains that "lyrically, I was thinking about the push and pull of a volatile relationship and how that could relate to the physical and chemical world. At the time I was in an acid relationship and trying to keep it more neutral. Hence alkaline [...] Musically things get more and more cosmic and spacy towards the end and lyrically I end up trying to cut and run from the relationship, but still end up unresolved, going in circles [...] I wanted it to feel like a cycle you can get lost in, with seemly no resolution."

Follow Thandii online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

WATCH: Spector - 'Fine Not Fine'

Spector have released a video for the lead track of their recent Ex-Directory EP, Fine Not Fine. Shot in Taroudant in Morocco it's a beautiful insight into the area, all the more when you find it was shot entirely on an iPhone 7. Typical of the band who brought us the lyric "my battery's 10%, let's generate content" and one of the first 360 session videos I'd seen a couple of years ago. If you dig this new video, check out the rest of the EP here and grab tickets for the upcoming UK tour here.

Follow Spector online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Monday, 2 April 2018

WATCH: Magique - 'Eventually'

If you're a band with only one track up online for potential fans to discover, it's pretty important that it's a good one to win them over. Luckily for Magique, their recent track Eventually is an absolute tune and more than enough to grab my attention. With the start of Spring and the weather getting a little warmer I am 100% up for listening to tracks filled to the brim with summer vibes, and this track, and it's new video, tick all the boxes.

Follow Magique online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.