Monday, 17 August 2020

WATCH: LAUREL - 'Scream Drive Faster'

A week off work!! Hooray!!!! The prospect of some time off from working in retail during a pandemic is kind of delightful - there may be some extra posts this week but I will likely just spend the time catching up on TV shows and reading. For now - here's a brand new tune from LAUREL which may in fact be my favourite ever release of hers. Truly loving it, and it's at the top of the playlist this week.

I caught LAUREL playing in an Oxford cinema for Sofar Sounds about four years back, a really lovely stripped back set, and loved her debut record DOGVIOLET which came out back in 2018. She's back with a slightly funkier sound, an 80s vibe and a snazzy video to pair it with. Adoring this, AND there's more music on the way. Phew.

Posting the new track online, she shared - "I wrote the track with bestie Chrome Sparks on a chance encounter in New York City after we bumped into each other, I a little lost and Jeremy with a flat. How serendipitous life can be. It is fun to remember, during 2020 as the world totally crumbles all around and everyone in charge suuucks, that there is still magic in the air."

Follow Laurel - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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