Tuesday, 18 August 2020

LISTEN: China Bears - 'Statue Still'

"out of the woodwork come all my friends, but I'm too caught up in all I want to hear what I need" 

I braved the outside world to meet a couple of friends for breakfast today, bought a lot of books and then saw a man dressed as Mr Bean selling Teddy(s) from a suitcase.... that's more than enough of the real world for one day. Now: time for something new! I loved discovering China Bears (through my blog submissions, I think) last year - their I've Never Met Anyone Like You EP was one of my favourite releases of the year and it was a treat to see them playing a set at Sofar Sounds in Oxford about a year ago, and to meet them after. Ivan referencing a post from the blog made me a very happy blogger - you mean, people actually read this stuff?! 

They're back with Statue Still, the title track of an upcoming EP due for release via Fierce Panda. As is their style, it treads the line between being mellow and sort of anthemic, touching on some slightly dark subject matter. Frontman Ivan explains that "'Statue Still' is written about those initial stages of loss and healing. For me it's like the feeling you get after you watch a great film in the cinema. The film is over and you now have to go home, but you just want to stay in that theatre and be in that world for a little while longer. You're aware it's over but you didn't want it to end and you weren't ready, so you're just stuck in that in-between. You can't stay forever though, and it's better to walk yourself out that the ushers coming to remove you." 

Having had a trip to the US for SXSW 20 cancelled and their March tour pushed back, it's been pushed back again to March next year. Fingers crossed for them to get to play! Tickets here.

Follow China Bears - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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