Tuesday, 24 November 2020

LISTEN: Melin Melyn - 'Rebecca'

I've been anxious to share this one for a couple of weeks - Welsh four-piece Melin Melyn have just launched themselves, slightly raucously, with new single Rebecca. The energy that often only a live performance can deliver is in every second of this track, from the truly dance-able guitars and punchy keys to the rowdy vocals and even a saxophone! It'll leave you feeling invigorated. If you like this one - their debut single sees them singing in Welsh, check out Mwydrn here

Over to the band for an incredible story from history to explain the lyrical meaning, here's frontman Gruff - "I've always been fascinated by the tales of the Rebecca Riots. It was when local Welsh farmers in the 1800s took to smashing up the toll gates put up by rich landowners, whilst being dressed in women's clothes screaming the name Rebecca. That incredulity and rage still exists today, rising day by day due to the rich feeding off the poor... perhaps I should get my skirt..."

Follow Melin Melyn - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

1 comment:

  1. Been listening to this song every day for a month and a half and it still gives me goosebumps. This is an absolute masterclass in how to write, perform and produce a song. Not a single thing I would change.
