Thursday, 21 May 2020

WATCH: Jeremy Tuplin - 'Space Magic'

Loving this! New from Jeremy Tuplin, Space Magic creeps up on you with its chilled out (psychedelic, even?) vibes before blowing your socks off with some wild guitar solo action. It's light and dreamy on the surface but listen closer and it's an intricate wonder and has me transported somewhere.... well, magical. 

Space Magic, Jeremy explains, "is about finding the fascinating in the everyday. I guess I use the term 'magic' loosely in a scientific way, and mostly focus on the very grandiose 'Space Magic', but through nature and anything from planet formation to the human mind, your neighbour's overhanging wild rose or that piece of toast you're eating for breakfast, it's all pretty magical." 

The track is the first from Jeremy's upcoming record Violet Waves, the follow-up to last year's Pink Mirror. The record is a collection of twelve tracks exploring "love, the ensuing apocalypse of our habitat and all that exists beyond" - quite a narrow subject matter then, right? 

Follow Jeremy Tuplin - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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