Wednesday, 27 May 2020

LISTEN: BE GOOD - Sickie (Piano Version)

You know, I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned how much I love BE GOOD here... alright, maybe once or twice.

One of my last few gigs for the foreseeable (boo) was the ever wonderful Willie J Healey at my favourite venue OMEARA back in November, with support from the BE GOOD guys. After years of adoring them, it was my first time seeing them live and they were as superb as expected, and meeting them was dreamy too, they're lovely chaps.

They've got some new (ish) music out, with a quarantine video showing vocalist Ash Cooke performing a piano version of 2019 single Sickie while bandmates Charlie, James and Patrick get on with some slightly less musical quarantine activities. Loving the cats, particularly.

There's a lovely recorded version up on Spotify and the like now too... you can hear it on the 2020 CMAT playlist, if you wish.

Follow BE GOOD - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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