Sunday, 29 March 2020

EP NEWS: Roo Panes - 'Pacific'

We all need a bit of soothing music at the moment, right? Well, let's look no further than brand new Roo Panes. He's just shared not one but two (!) brand new tunes from his upcoming Pacific EP, the title track and Colour In Your Heart, which you can listen to below. The full five-track EP is due for release on CRC Records on May 22nd.

While the title track, Pacific, brings us five and a half minutes of exactly the sort of track we've come to expect from Roo - the beautiful simplicity of acoustic guitar and those gorgeous trademark vocals - Colour In My Heart is something new. Without a guitar in sight (or earshot) there are electronic beats aplenty - Roo himself explains that "the reason I liked the idea of releasing this a and b side is because on this EP I've tried quite a lot of new ideas and textures, but also have some songs which are more traditionally me. 'Colour In Your Heart' is a new sound experiment and whilst being excited to share that as a single I also wanted 'Pacific' to be there to show the continuity with my other work. Together I think they make a really nice pair - both meditative and sound-scapey in their own way but one which is upbeat and the other more drifty and reflective." 

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