Friday, 7 May 2021

LISTEN: Ski Lift - 'Moaning Again'

Cast your mind back to March... you remember Portal, right? AKA the absolute belter of a tune from South London trio Ski Lift. They're back, this time with Moaning Again, the second of a trio of singles to be released through Spring. I think this one might even top Portal, which is saying something. Upbeat indie-rock at its finest, the kind of music you'd love to be in a basement music venue (the grottier the better) listening to of an evening right now. The shimmeriest (not a word) of guitars masks the more delicate nature of the lyrics, tackling the hidden nature of mental health problems in the style of a conversation with yourself in the mirror.

On the track, vocalist and songwriter Benji Tranter says: “Moaning Again is an internal conversation - I wrote it during a ‘down’ period, mentally speaking. I suppose I was trying to reason with myself, tell myself that it’s okay not to be okay - that your highs and lows are always relative to wherever your centre of balance is, emotionally. Looking back through the original scrawl of lyrics, there were some darker moments in there that I left out. On this occasion we packaged it up, all-smiles, with an indie-rock bow on top! But even the smiliest, loveliest person can be secretly battling their inner demons.”

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