Thursday, 7 January 2021

ALBUM NEWS: Valley Maker - 'When The Day Leaves'

First *proper* post of the year alert....! This one comes courtesy of the first release of the year that made me want to tap away at the keyboard, with some really exciting album news from US artist Valley Maker (AKA Austin Crane). When The Day Leaves arrives via Frenchkiss Records on 19th February, and first single No One Is Missing is live now. Video below! 

Talking about the track and video Austin shares "The video for 'No One Is Missing' was filmed on Edisto Island in South Carolina's low country by dustoftheground. It's a lush, isolated place. The beach where we filmed is only accessible at low tide and is full of dead trees. I felt like that tidal flow, combined with the generally surreal and outside-of-time quality of the landscape, provided a spatial and visual connection with where 'No One Is Missing' is coming from as a song." 

"I wrote the track as a way of grappling with the partiality and temporality of how we connect with one another, I guess as an attempt to collect and reflect on recent experiences of loss, love, leaving, returning, missing, etc. On that theme, while recent months of social distancing have often felt isolating, I'm continually grateful for how music and the natural world can remind us we're not alone." 

The record came about is pretty much exactly the way you might imagine after listening to this track, in a studio in the woods. After working out arrangements and harmonies in Portland and Seattle, Austin stayed in the loft of producer Trevor Spencer's Way Out Studio, creating the record together over three-weeks in the woods outside of Woodinville, near Seattle. The resulting 46-minute record offers a reflective look at our world through the eyes of uncertainty, anxiety, hope and fear, a mixture of feelings that so many of us are used to living through. I can't wait to hear & share more!

Pre-order/pre-save the new record here.

Follow Valley Maker - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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