Friday, 15 January 2021

WATCH: Lokoy ft Emilie Østebø - 'a mistake'

Forgive the slight time travel, but as I was glancing through my (always growing) list of things that I want to share here, I rediscovered this absolute tune which was released back in November. It's taken from Norwegian artist and producer Lokoy's debut album Badminton, which is due a week today (22nd.) The record sounds as if it'll an eclectic exploration of pop bringing together a bunch of fresh Norwegian talent (the likes of Nils Bech, Moyka and Safario) and on this tune, Oslo-based 20-year old Emilie Østebø is blowing my mind a note at a time. 

Originally one of Emilie's own demos, she took it to Lokoy's home studio where they recorded the track with assistance from Sløtface guitarist Tor-Arne Vikingstad. Speaking about how the collaboration came to be, Lokoy said "I first met Emilie when she was playing support for Sløtface a few years back and I remember all of us thought she was the greatest support band we've ever had. Earlier this year we met in my studio together with Tor-Arne and just kept cooking on Emilie's demo. We added a ton of guitars, and some dirty bass-synths and drum machines and BOOM. It just fell together nicely."

Emilie herself shares on the lyrics that "it's nothing too complicated; it deals with the relationship between two people, the dynamic between them. Often I feel like songs are a parody of yourself. The chorus of 'a mistake' is sort of a parody of the self-indulgent things you imagine saying to a person you've just had a fight with. I wrote the melody of the post-chorus on guitar, but Lasse had the idea to sing it instead. The childish and sarcastic tone of that melody when sung perfectly communicates the petulance of the lyrics." 

Follow Lokoy - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Follow Emilie Østebø - Facebook | Instagram.

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