Thursday, 9 April 2020

LISTEN: BE GOOD - 'Reflection of the Moon'

Alright, it's not *all* bad. There's a new BE GOOD track in our lives, for a start. Bloody love these guys. They're one of my favourite new(ish) bands and there is something very comforting about having new music from them. Reflection of the Moon is currently sitting at the top of my 2020 playlist, alongside new tracks from the likes of Dizzy, Liz Lawrence, Spector and more - listen & follow here.

Aaaand back to BE GOOD. The new track is poignant for the situation we find ourselves in, though it was written just before people started to self-isolate. In a chat with tmrw (read their full post here) vocalist Ash describes the song as celebrating "the peace that can be found in small everyday moments [...] Mundane domestic activities can bring a certain sense of comfort, especially when everything else feels so out of control. We wanted to make glossy and celebratory music out of that little feeling. This song was written before everyone was self-isolating, but since we started having to spend all our time indoors, some of the themes in the song took on a new resonance."

Follow BE GOOD - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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