Thursday, 20 February 2020

LISTEN: Rayowa - 'Chance'

I'm delighted to hear that Rayowa are back with the follow-up to their debut single Better Man, which they released back in November, and which I hailed as perfect for fans of Franc Moody and Jungle. Chance follows in those strong first steps that the brothers made with Better Man, delving further into the world of soul, funk and pop that the trio all love. Listening in direct comparison, the new track seems to have a level of confidence behind it, a level of euphoria, and an irresistible beat - you should probably get on your dancing shoes...

About the track, the band say that "'Chance' is about seizing an opportunity and not letting self-doubt take hold of you. It's a continuation on from 'Better Man' and the next part of a success story we want to tell and aim to live out. It's about having the confidence within yourself to go on and achieve all your dreams." 

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