Thursday, 30 August 2018

WATCH: Tamino - 'Persephone'

One of my favourite discoveries of the year so far is Tamino - he's a 21 year old singer-songwriter of Belgian, Egyptian and Lebanese heritage, and his music is breathtaking. He's another Communion Music discovery for me - I first saw him play at their showcase at The Great Escape in May, and later at the venue I was volunteering at for this year's Bushstock Festival. His vocals are simultaneously incredibly powerful yet measured, and his range is seriously impressive - to the extent that the first time you hear the high notes live you're left a little shocked!

He has shared the single Persephone, announcing the release of his debut record Amir on 19th October. The record features the single alongside the tracks from his beautiful Habibi EP which was released earlier this year. If these five tracks are anything to go by, it's sure to be a sublime record - you can pre-order it on his site here!

Tamino plays for Communion at The Courtyard Theatre in London on 12th September - grab tickets for the show here.

Follow Tamino - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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