Saturday, 25 August 2018

LISTEN: Geowulf - 'Saltwater' (reimagined by Pêtr Aleksänder)

I'm really pleased to share this track - not quite a remix, but a 'reimagining' of Saltwater by the lovely Geowulf who released their debut record Great Big Blue earlier this year. Classical duo Pêtr Aleksänder have reworked the track, adding in some beautiful strings, much like their recent version of the Banfi tune Future.

With a few of their own tracks under their belt, including Bells, the video premiere for which is the most viewed post on the blog (check that out here) the duo have recently signed to Communion Music, and I can't wait to hear what they release next! 

Follow Geowulf Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

Follow Pêtr AleksänderTwitter | Facebook | Soundcloud | Instagram.

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