Tuesday, 10 January 2023

LISTEN: Siv Jakobsen & Ane Brun - 'Sun, Moon, Stars'

Belated happy new year, folks! Sorry for disappearing a bit... I felt under the weather and rundown by work (christmas in retail - hooray!) for most of December and over the New Year, and the blog has fallen a little by the wayside for a while now. I didn't find the time to really think about my albums of the year and haven't posted much lately, but I'm going to try my best to share posts more frequently this year.

In the absence of an AOTY post, I should definitely shoutout Maggie Rogers, Low Island, Rae Morris, First Aid Kit, Gang of Youths, Memorial, Everything Everything, The Big Moon, Bear's Den and Banji for releasing some of my favourite records of 2022. I love them all very much and will happily ramble about them all on request. There are already so many great releases in my diary for this year too...

Kicking off the year of posting with something not entirely new, but which I'm pretty excited about. Next Friday sees the release of Gardening, the third album from Siv Jakobsen. What I've heard of it is absolutely divine (quelle surprise) and I really fell for this one last year. The track is Sun, Moon, Stars and it is a collaboration with Ane Brun, who Siv has long been a fan of. Dreamy times all round. 

More on the record in due course (hey, I might even try to do an album write-up...!) but here's Siv on this latest single and collaborating with Ane: "a big part of why I wanted her to sing on this song in particular is because a lot of the influence I have from Ane is in it. The style of the guitar, the strings, it just felt like it was a nice nod to how she's inspired me, so to have her sing on it felt like a full circle moment. From the 16 year old Siv singing Ane's "Rubber & Soul" in a high school recital, to waiting for Ane outside her gig in Boston as an aspiring songwriting student and mega fan of 22, to becoming colleagues and friends and singing together over a decade later."

"Sun, Moon, Stars was written in November, a good few years ago. I remember humming the melody and working out the lyrics whilst out walking on a particularly dreary, dark and wet evening. Inspired by my least favourite month of the year and the heaviness I tend to feel during it, as well as the beauty and hope I've found in a companion that has the ability to pull me out of the dreariest corner of my mind, even during the darkest month of the year." 

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