Tuesday, 6 December 2022

WATCH: Low Island - 'Forever Is Too Long' (stripped back)

 ~ tentative hi ~

I've been hiding a little bit from the blog lately... I felt pretty rough last week (hooray for catching a cold / flu thing at Christmas when you work in retail and being stuck in a spiral of never feeling completely better... that's where I'm currently at) and ended up avoiding my inbox for a while. I'm now realising that I've neglected the blog a bit, so I'm dipping my toes back in the water... and what better way to do so than to big up an album from pals of the blog, Low Island. They released their second album Life In Miniature about a month ago, and it is a shoe-in for my album of the year list, if such a thing is going to exist this year. I bloody love them, and this album, so much.

In the depths of my flu-y misery last week I found this live session of Forever Is Too Long on my Youtube homepage and was reminded why I love these guys. You should love them too. Go forth and fall in love: 

Listen to / buy Life In Miniature here.

Follow Low Island - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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