Friday, 20 January 2023

WATCH: Dizzy - 'Birthmark'

It's wild to think that I've been in love with Dizzy for nearly five years - from a chance encounter at a festival to never-ending listens of their two albums - and the love is still going strong with the release of their new single Birthmark. In fact, in a ridiculous week for exciting new releases I am absolutely and unashamedly obsessed with this one, and my stats will concur. It is so so so great. The track is the follow-up to recent single Barking Dog, a triumphant return for the band that I described as "one of the most exciting things to appear in my inbox for a long time". I'm not entirely sure how I'll handle a new album when it comes, but for now, these two are on repeat. 

Talking on the track, singer Katie Munshaw shares: "the song is from the point of view of someone I love who went through their first heartbreak last year. I remember we were laying in bed one night and they said they didn't feel so bad until it was time to go to sleep. I thought that was so sad." 

"The 'Birthmark' video is meant to be a visual representation of the saying 'dancing with the devil.' I wanted the visuals to feel more like a nightmare than a music video, hence its lack of narrative. We shot the video in a farm field in western Ontario so a lot of cow shit was stepped on to get these beautiful shots which I think is hilarious and fitting. Special thanks to our devil, Marc, for allowing us to paint your skin red in freezing temperatures in the name of assholery and thanks mom for letting me use your sunroof in the name of getting a cool ass shot."

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