Friday, 5 February 2021

WATCH: Sophie Morgan - 'Always'

My inbox is feeling a little (a lot) relentless today so naturally some procrastinating has led me to scrawling down a last minute post to share instead. Today I'm mostly shocked that it's two years since my local HMV store closed, delighted that Flyte have announced a new record and adoring every second of the new record from The Staves, which I'm listening to for the first time as I type. One of my favourite releases of this week is from the latest member of the Stay Loose roster, Sophie Morgan, who just shared new track Always. It's one of those tracks that will simultaneously fill your heart and make you weep, but you forgive the tears because it is just so stunning (*typed through the sobs.)

The track follows last year's Marmalade EP and was written alongside Archie Faulks, and features Simon Jones (The Verve) on bass and Matt Ingram (Laura Marling) on drums. Lyrically, Sophie describes it as a 'waltz for the lonely' - it's a track that has only taken on more meaning since the pandemic struck. The video (below) sees Sophie herself dancing in a Hollywood-esque setting - seriously beautiful - only for the backdrop and her dance partner to be cruelly taken away as the video comes to an end. 

Sophie shares that "the song always felt like a waltz for the lonely, I saw myself slowly swaying empty armed around the living room. I had that first line "leave the tv on" about watching dodgy daytime television shows like Homes Under the Hammer. It made me think of elderly people, maybe who have lost their significant other, spending most days dreaming of special nights dancing together, losing a little bit of sanity with each passing day alone." 

"We created the set in a local theatre, the first place I ever sang in public when I was nine. We joked that we were trying to make a million-dollar video on a shoestring in the middle of a pandemic and I hadn't even danced since school PE. But I'm really proud we somehow managed to bring my crazy idea to life." 

Follow Sophie Morgan - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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