Monday, 3 June 2019

LISTEN: Geowulf - 'I See Red'

Brilliant news - Geowulf are back with their first new track since debut album Great Big Blue, which was somehow released way back in February last year. I See Red is the first collaboration with the duo's new writing partner Justin Parker (Lana Del Rey, Bat For Lashes) with whom they've worked on several tracks from their upcoming second record My Resignation, due for release later in the year.

Front-woman Star Kendrick (Geowulf is Star and Tempesst frontman Toma Banjanin) explains that the new track was written after an argument with her sister. "The song was a realisation that you are only ever your most raw, horrible self when you're with the people you love to death and who love you." 

"I have been very proactive over many years in going to therapy, talking openly about mental health and have constantly taken steps to control emotions, moods and even my temper - having a family history of mental illness, this is something my siblings and I have had a lot of awareness about. This song is about that process and what I've learnt. The ebbs and flows of trying to be the best version of yourself." 

You can catch Geowulf headlining London's The Waiting Room on 11th June - tickets here.

Follow Geowulf - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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