Thursday, 23 February 2017

WATCH: BaDow - 'Storm'

Super exciting news - I reached 400 likes on the Facebook page for the blog over the last few days (thank you!!!!) The mini milestone has got got me thinking about my reasons for blogging, which initially was simply because I really get a kick out of recommending the music I love to others and envisioned creating a sort of community around all my favourite bands... it's still pretty small scale but knowing that four hundred people (enough to fill The Library in Oxford eight times over) have taken the time to like the page and look at some of the things that I post is pretty insane. As I'm fairly busy with both my university and Tigmus work and due to the quite personal nature of the blog, I rarely get chance to check out all the music I'm sent on a daily basis to post about, which I feel pretty awful about because people are taking their time to send stuff for review... so as I handed in a dissertation draft today I've spent the evening sorting through some submissions and was struck by a video for a track I received today amusingly entitled Storm.

The band are the onomatopoeically named BaDow (I wonder if it is 'dow' as in 'down' or 'dough'?) and they're a 'soulful, heavy blues/rock trio' from the South Coast. As the music industry trundles along and tries to catch up with equal gender representation and the like, the video struck me as the band is fronted by a girl, not really shocking in itself, but a female drummer fronting a band... that's fairly unique. For me the choruses don't really stand out enough from the rest of the track but it's a professional looking video produced by Glass House Productions and the guitar riff running through the track is pretty addictive! Check out more from BaDow on Facebook here.

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