Monday, 29 August 2022

WATCH: Prima Queen - 'Eclipse'

Best news - there's a new Prima Queen track to wrap your ears around. I loved Chew My Cheeks last year (how is that last year?!) and I wasn't the only one... the best pal duo have been making a name for themselves among the likes of DIY, Dork, NME and The Line of Best Fit and have toured with Dream Wife and Wet Leg, among others. With a UK tour incoming later in the year, they're back with new track Eclipse, which is as brill as ever. This one was once again produced by The Big Moon - dreamy pairing. 

On the track, they share: "It's about the hesitation of entering into a new relationship while you're still reeling from a heartbreak that fucked you up. It was quite a cathartic group experience recording the song - we got to sing the last chorus all together at the top of our lungs. We released a lot of pent up rage we didn't know we had." 

A run of festivals and support shows culminates in some headline shows this November, taking in Newcastle, Glasgow, Manchester and London. All dates here.

Follow Prima Queen - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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