Wednesday, 8 June 2022

LISTEN: Lutalo - 'For Now'

Time for a look ahead to another of this Friday's releases - this time, it's Once Now, Then Again, the debut EP from Vermont-based musician and producer Lutalo Jones. Performing as Lutalo, they're adding a gorgeous string to their bow with recent single For Now, another brilliant sample of what is to come on the full EP later this week. 

Discussing the EP, Lutalo shares: "I tend to grapple with a lot of existential questioning, I wanted to capture what it feels like to be a twenty-something in this time period, reflecting on our relationship with technology, the internet, relationships, world governments, housing... all while discovering what it means to be an adult and how our definition of what that looks like begins to shift. The vision I have for this project is not so much genre-based as it is sound-based, and that sound is just a reflection of me. I didn't want any boundaries because I'm not trying to replicate anything that's come before, I only want to be adding to music in some way." 

On new track For Now, Lutalo explains: "this one follows my perspective as a black person interacting with self proclaimed allies to the struggles that Black and Indigenous groups in the U.S. face. My base understanding being that they don't genuinely have to care about our struggles and will continue to do whatever makes them feel righteous in the moment. Even if that means not listening to what these demographics genuinely need as support. My understanding is that I'll continue to be in a situation when I have to save face to just survive, like many others put in the same situation. Leading to the line 'For now I give that smile.'"  

Follow Lutalo Twitter | Instagram.

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