Wednesday, 30 June 2021

LISTEN: Ed Nash - 'Plumes'

It's a great time to be a Bombay Bicycle Club fan, right? New Liz Lawrence a couple of weeks back, an ace new from one from Jack's Mr Jukes project with Barney Artist and Kofi Stone, and now this from Ed Nash. Plumes is the latest track to be self-released on Ed's superbly named label Bangers & Nash. Come on, it's worth a listen for the quality of that alone.  

As somebody who has spent the last year falling into a bit of a love affair with nature and coming to really appreciate birds, the sky above us and everything around us once you pause to see and hear it, I love Ed's words on the track: "Plumes was written and extensively tinkered with at my home studio during the endless dark evenings this past winter... certainly the bleakest winter I've ever had. 'Plumes' was my escape from this. 'Plumes' is air rising, birds flying and beautiful decorative colours. This is a song of optimism, about breaking free and looking ahead at better things to come." 

Follow Ed Nash - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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