Wednesday, 30 September 2015

WATCH: Laish 'When I'm Coming' for Sofar Sounds

After being at home for summer I went to my first Oxford Sofar Sounds in a few months a couple of weeks ago at Art Jericho. I loved the Martin Grover exhibition at the gallery, with large, incredibly realistic paintings of motown record sleeves adoring the walls - check out my shots from the evening on Flickr here.

The first, and one of my favourite acts of the evening (as I'm pretty partial to a chap with an acoustic guitar) was London based Laish, the video above is of his performance at a London Sofar Sounds earlier in the year. A highlight of his set was a point at which he asked the audience (a typically silent Sofar crowd) to make bird noises during his song - the room erupted in beautiful whistles! He's got a lovely, distinctive voice and interesting and quirky lyrics; I always enjoy that due to the nature of Sofar sets you can really listen to the lyrics and see the passion behind the music without any of the distractions that a more conventional, less stripped back show might entail. 

Some videos of his performance at Union Chapel back in March have just emerged online, if you like what you hear above you can watch those here.

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