Wednesday 8 March 2023

LISTEN: Benedict Benjamin - 'White Noise'

You all loved Furlough Blues a few weeks back, right? Well you're in luck. Benedict Benjamin is back with the second single from his upcoming third record Tunnel (due June 9th) and it is a slice of psychedelic rock dreaminess. Seems that I can't stop describing my favourite new music as dreamy at the moment (because it is / I need a thesaurus). 

I'm really excited for this record (which I may have listened to already because... perks) - Ben has long been a favourite of mine and it's a joy to have some new music to share from him! Written and recorded at home during the pandemic, this record is a little different to the previous two, particularly in the processes behind it. Deprived of collaborators, Ben adopted different methods, sampling and editing drum solos from old jazz records to create rhythm tracks and then writing from there. The results are all rather lovely.

White Noise, Ben describes, is "about the frustration of thinking that maybe this or that moment would be the tipping point when the world might be headed in a more progressive direction but then all that energy somehow or another seems to get countered, things remain the same and I feel naive for letting myself hope. It was written in 2020, there were a lot of those moments that year."

Benedict Benjamin - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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