Thursday, 10 October 2019

LISTEN: Nick Mulvey - 'In The Anthropocene'

This week in 'things which have blown my mind recently'... one of my favourite humans and musicians Nick Mulvey has shared a new track. Musically it is as gorgeous as ever but what struck me immediately was the limited vinyl pressing. Already sold out, it's a project with Sharp's Brewery - the track has been pressed onto a vinyl record made from recycled plastic which has been washed up on Cornish beaches, with funds going to Surfers Against Sewage and their work to protect British coasts. Visually the records are unique and stunning - a real eye-opening repurposing of just a few of the millions of pieces of plastic which find their way into our oceans every day.

The anthropocene is defined as "the current geological age, viewed as the period during which human activity has been the dominant influence on climate and the environment." The track serves as an exploration of, in short, what our freedom means to the environment, and the responsibility that we all carry. Nick expands on the themes, explaining that "my music is about knowing who - or what - we are, right at the core; aliveness itself, conscious. These times of urgent global crisis are demanding we re-examine ourselves and the world and we raise ourselves to match the Earth, this wonder-organism from which we are not, and have never been, separate." A stand-out lyric for me is "the voices of future grandchildren I hear them asking: what were you doing, what have you done?" 

Follow Nick Mulvey - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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