Wednesday, 6 February 2019

LISTEN: Banfi - 'The furniture song'

New Banfi! I've missed these guys - somehow it's been over a year since I last caught them playing a show, and I can't wait for the next time as they've since released tons of brilliant new music. The latest is new single The furniture song, produced by the legendary Eliot James (of PĂȘtr AleksĂ€nder fame) and part of an upcoming EP which is due for release next month.

Writing of the track, the band ask "Have you ever been to a party and felt like the sofa is your best friend? Ever been caught staring at a lamp whist others chat about how interesting their breakfast was? Have you ever felt like dancing but were too embarassed to whack out that sweet worm you've been working on? [....] Well if any of these are true, then this song is for you!"

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