Monday, 3 September 2018

LISTEN: Holly Redford Jones - 'Big Blue Sky'

Here's a Monday morning treat for you... easing you into the week with the debut single from Holly Redford Jones, Big Blue Sky. She's an artist I've had on my radar for a couple of years, having caught her playing at shows in Oxford, London and Brighton for Tigmus, at which I've always been particularly impressed with her guitar playing and her unique tone of voice, delivering an almost husky, jazz-tinged vocal.

In a submission to the blog a few weeks back, Holly explained she had gone to the US earlier this year, where she did some recording in Nashville. The track has been floating around as an idea for a while (there's even a demo recorded by Catgod's Robin somewhere!) and marks Holly's return to music - with plans for an EP to be recorded and released later in the year.

You can catch Holly in London tomorrow evening at The Finsbury for Stop Look Listen info here!

Follow Holly Redford Jones - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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