Wednesday, 11 January 2017

LISTEN: Seramic - 'I Got You'

Feel like I'm saying this more and more but another of my favourite discoveries of 2016 (hooray for new music!) was Seramic. It's the new project of Marcus Foster, and is incredibly funky and would make even the most dance-averted of us do a little jig when witnessing one of their shows! I caught them at the two Communion Christmas shows at the end of the year, and I am digging the Found EP tons and tons. Seriously, go listen. Then take another 3 minutes to listen to this new track I Got You,  which debuted yesterday. 

Enjoy? Go and see Seramic headline OMEARA in London on 1st March and have the time of your life! No supports announced yet but as it's a Communion show it's pretty likely to be somebody with a load of talent and not a show worth missing.

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