Saturday, 29 August 2015

LIVE: Dawes at Oslo Hackney (27/8/15)

Earlier this week I went to see Dawes playing at London's Oslo, a tiny venue in West London. Support came from soloist Leddra Chapman, who played a great opening set, but what I loved most was her excitement over seeing and supporting the band. 

Released this June, the band's latest record, All Your Favorite Bands, is one of my favourite records of all time with the title track and I Can't Think About It Now particular highlights. So when they opened their set with the latter I knew it was going to be a great gig and wasn't disappointed! The set spanned their back catalogue, with songs from all four albums including a favourite of mine from the third record, From A Window Seat (video.)

In the intimate setting with a great crowd, and considering that the band, based and from America, barely play shows here, it was a really special night, and was fantastic to see that the band were enjoying it as much as us. They're one of the best and most tight live bands I've seen and, after seeing the band back in December 2012, it was great to hear the new tracks that I've been enjoying so much live - including the below video, new track Right On Time. Overall the set was awash with frontman Taylor's contagious energy, and heartwarming sing-alongs and incredible guitar solos from Duane Betts, who is currently playing alongside the band.

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