Tuesday, 9 June 2015

WATCH: Adam Barnes 'Green' for Rockstone Sessions

At just 22 years old, Oxford musician Adam Barnes can often be found playing various shows and house gigs around Europe and the UK, and he last year released his debut record, The Land, The Sea & Everything Lost Beneath, yet surprisingly (to me) he's still not a full time musician. Here's a recent session of a track from that record, Green, recorded in the Netherlands for Rockstone Sessions. I love the honesty and clarity that comes across in Adam's performances, both in sessions such as this and in live performances, having recently seen him at a house gig in Oxford.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Thanks for supporting Rockstone Sessions and posting our video on your site :) Just a minor detail, but Rockstone Sessions is based in The Netherlands, not Germany ;) Thanks!
