Tuesday, 21 January 2020

ALBUM NEWS: Luke De-Sciscio - 'Good Bye Folk Boy'

At last count, I'm getting around 130 submissions to the blog weekly. Tracks, EPs, albums, gigs and tour news to write about. It's a lot to sift through and as you can tell by the amount of posts I actually share each week, not a lot of it gets through, so it can be really rewarding when I find something in those emails which I genuinely adore, especially when the artist is new to me. Last week: in walks Luke De-Sciscio. His brand new track R.O.B.Y.N (an ode to his partner) arrives with news of his new record Good Bye Folk Boy, due on the 14th March. I really took to the track from the first listen, but have completely fallen for the accompanying live video from BBC Introducing In The West. Seriously, watch below and tell me you don't love it too. His vocal range and the intricacy with which he plays the guitar have seriously impressed me.

Hailing from Swindon, Luke spent his youth daydreaming, fishing and writing songs. On writing from his teenage years, he comments "my theory was that I knew what I wanted to do, so I just got on with it." He moved to Bath, where he met his partner Robyn. The couple lived on a 100-year-old canal boat for a time, with Luke using the space to explore his guitar-playing and songwriting away from the confines of everyday life... "we neglected everything but the boat and each other for that first year. It was so slow and so pure." Moving to dry land to facilitate recording his music, Luke found his productivity grinding to a halt - "songs suffered from not being written in the same environmental head space." While his songwriting may have slowed, I'd say he's got plenty to be working with, having written (at least) an album's worth of songs every year since he was 16. "It was never about releasing them or 'making it' - my belief is that if you're creating something you love, you have already made it. And I just knew that I would go crazy if I wasn't writing. [...] For me, it was the creation, and the belief that if people needed my music, it would find them." 

You can catch Luke live at SET in Dalston on 2nd April - tickets here. 

Follow Luke De-Sciscio - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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