Thursday, 12 October 2017

LISTEN: Tempesst - 'Waiheke'

They were one of my favourite new bands of last year so I'm seriously excited to see that the lovely Tempesst chaps are back! Returning last week with news of upcoming debut EP Adult Wonderland, set for release on October 27th, the band premiered new tune Waiheke with DIY who described it as "a slice of swirling folk, the track [...] rises and falls in gorgeous waves." It felt like a slow burner at first but after repeated listens I've quickly fallen in love with the tune which sits nicely alongside their previous releases Broke Down Blues and Tidal Wave (there's more on Soundcloud!)

The band head on a short run of shows to promote the release of the EP this December, taking in London's Shacklewell Arms on 6th, before Southampton on 7th and Manchester on 8th (with more shows still to be announced!) Grab tickets for all of those here.

Follow Tempesst online - Facebook | Twitter | Instagram.

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