Hello! I'm Megan (she/her) - thanks so much for visiting my blog. I'm a full time music lover, nature nerd and bookshop manager. I studied English Literature & Media at university, and I've worked as the community manager of a music-tech company (helping to put on shows in Oxford, London and beyond) and as a PR intern for Chalk Press Agency. I hope that I can introduce you to some brilliant new artists and music through my posts!
A little cool music and things history... I set up the original version of this blog on Tumblr in 2012. I initially started blogging as I realised that I was constantly recommending music to my friends and family and thought that it would be fun to have a platform through which to do this on a wider scale, maybe even helping out the artists whose music I enjoy along the way. In May 2015, I met the bassist of one of my favourite bands, told him I had a music blog and was given a copy of his solo record to review. This specific moment sparked something, and pushed me to make a go of the blog, moving the site to Blogger and getting my own URL. The rest is... history. (And a lot of hard work.)
The response over the years has been amazing. It's my creative outlet and the place that I can go to tell people just how brilliant my favourite artists are.
The blog is incredibly personal - every post has been written by me, so it reads as a bit of a stream-of-consciousness journal style ramble about the music I love. I'd like to hope that my passion for music comes across through the posts - of which you can expect recommendations, new videos, single and album announcements, sessions, gig and tour news and the odd review.
Things are a little sporadic at the moment - the blog is very much a passion project, working alongside some other big commitments. Trying my best to keep things up here, and appreciate anybody who stops by to read something and discover some new music!
If you'd like to get in touch - check out the contact page.
And if you want to support the blog - check out my Ko-fi page.
Meg x
(p.s. the pic of me is courtesy of my good friend and gig buddy Sarah)
also! Huge thanks go to the legend that is Aiden of Oxford promoter Divine Schism for designing the logo/banner for the blog
"the blog with the biggest heart on the internet" - BE GOOD
"one of the most positive, passion-fuelled blogs on the matrix" - White Tail Falls
"I loved reading this in all its generous and open-hearted detail." - Robert Macfarlane [on this post]
"your enthusiasm helps every artist so very much every step of the way. It lifts us and gives us one more stepping stone to keep going" - Sophie Jamieson
"your writing [...] is a cut above most of the online music journalism I've encountered. You're a thoughtful, articulate writer with a clear passion for the music you love" - Robi Mitch
The Bess Atwell song is tremendous.