Saturday, 4 March 2017

LISTEN: Harry Pane - 'Fletcher Bay'

In my year working with Tigmus I've heard lots of new artists and someone that's really stood out for me has been Harry Pane, who I bumped into recently busking in King's Cross station. He released his Changing EP with a couple of sold out shows over summer, and it's follow-up, The Wild Winds, is set for release on April 7th. The first track from the EP, Fletcher Bay, was premiered online yesterday following a Hoxton Radio premiere last week.

The track is named after 'the idyllic place at the end of the winding Coromandel Peninsula, New Zealand', and is a tribute to Harry's father who passed away last year, being the location where he returned to scatter his father's ashes at the end of 2016. The emotion and story behind the lyrics comes through the music and the track is incredibly delicate, a contrast to the likes of the punch-y and loud Cold Light Of Day (making use of some wonderful slide guitar) - it's great to see some variety in the tracks and I'm looking forward to hearing the rest of the EP!

Harry supports the release of the EP with his first UK tour taking in the likes of Oxford, Birmingham, Brighton, Winchester and tons more over April... dates and ticket links through his site here! Pre-order the EP on iTunes and follow Harry on Spotify to be the first to hear the rest of the EP!

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