Wednesday, 4 March 2015

LIVE: Sofar Sounds at Art Jericho (21/2/15)

Source: Megan Seekings
I recently started taking photos for Sofar Sounds shows in Oxford, and went to one last month at Art Jericho gallery. It was a brilliant evening with sets from Monument Valley, Benedict Benjamin (who wins on name alone..), Twin Hidden, Tom Terrell and Rachel Sermanni. What I love about Sofar is the interesting and unique choices of venues, having been to three of their shows now in an art gallery, a museum, and a university common room. It mimics no other live experience out there and the audience are always particualrly respectful to the performers, even if the music might not all be their cup of tea. On the evening I was particularly impressed by Tom and Rachel who performed together for a few songs and had beautiful harmonies! I definitely reccommend having a look at the Sofar website to see if they have shows in your city!

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